Joshua 1:9
Have not I commanded the? Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed; for the Lord thy God is with thee withersoever thou goest.
(You are not alone)
For many that have to go through the evolution of surviving breast cancer, one of the hardest indignities besides losing a breast is losing their hair. Many struggle to find the wig that makes them feel the most "normal". Normal is what we all strive for. It takes a while to realize that our normal has changed forever.
There are many places that sell wigs for breast cancer survivors and and many of them will take insurance for one wig. My insurance paid for mine.
I have a friend that I hadn't seen since her diagnosis. When I saw her recently, I was amazed that her chemo-therapy didn't make her lose her hair. I was wrong. She found a wig that looked just like her hair as she wore it before. She found hers at Wigs by Patti's Pearls, Wigs by Patti's Pearls. I don't need one now, but I did find one that would've looked more like me than the one I chose. My wig is a Smartlace wig. I have to say though that I didn't search as she did. She involved her granddaughter and they searched hours to find the right wig. Maybe, I'd have felt more normal if I had given it more time.
If you know someone that is going through chemo-therapy and is in need of a wig, have them check with their insurance. It'll probably cover one for them. If they've already purchased a wig, then they could try to turn it in to their insurance and get an reimbursement.
Breast has tips for getting a wig and tips for choosing one, among other things. I would look at this site for information.
I want to say on the side here that it was wonderful to involve her granddaughter. I think it was a very positive thing and gave her granddaughter a sense of being involved in her recovery.
If you are making this journey as I am, may God bless you with His healing touch. I know He loves you.