Wednesday, January 29, 2014

New Symptoms from Chemo

Scripture of the day:

Job 29:3

            By His light I walked through the darkness

June 26, 2011

There is a new symptom that has popped up in the last couple of days. The palms of my hands, my fingers, the pads of my feet and my toes have started peeling making everything raw. It hurts to walk and write. If you press my fingernails back into my fingers, that hurts…like tapping your fingernails on the table. This new thing is hurting David too. He hates what I’m going through. I try not to complain because that also hurts him and I hate being the cause of his pain. I am becoming more bald, but the top of my head is breaking out and itches. It’s becoming painful as well.

January 29, 2011
Wow. I had forgotten some of this. I was reminded of it just yesterday when a friend of mine was asking me questions like "Did this or that happen to you?" She is just starting her journey to recovery. This as I remember was not pleasant. We bought horse liniment which is very strong on the lanolin and I would put those one both my hands and feet before I went to bed. I would wear socks on my feet and my husband brought home glove liners they used at work and I'd wear those on my hands. It would help some and let me get through the next day at work. But I remember that I had to use my stool I carried to school to sit on as I taught because it hurt to stand. 

If you are making this journey as I am, may God bless you with His healing touch. I know He loves you.

I also maintain a second blog that keeps me occupied and entertained.

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