Friday, August 26, 2016

Being A Caregiver for a Spouse or Loved One

Scripture of the Day:

I John 3:1

"Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us, that we should be called the children of God." 

So many of my blog topics come from what I hear from family and friends through Facebook or other venues. One has come to my attention that is appalling. More than one of my friends is being criticized for the kind of care giving that they have or are giving to their spouse. I can tell you that it was as hard on me to watch my husband as we went through this disease and treatment as it was on myself. He is one that has to have control and there just is none over breast cancer or any other kind. He emptied the draining tubes when I first had my mastectomy. That was just gross. He did all the shopping and made all the meals for months. When I was sick from chemo, all he could do was sit with me. It was so frustrating to not be able to do anything or go buy the cure. When my hands and feet started to show burns, he found horse liniment and got me gloves that they use in his shop so that I could sleep with the goo and not get it all over everything. And it really helped. He had to be strong for me. He'd hide his tears so that I could see them. He wasn't always successful.This doesn't begin to cover the things that he dealt with because of me. After 5 years, he still is watching over me, checking to see if I'm ok. Making sure I can do the things I'd like to do. It was just exhausting on him as it was on me. 

Now imaging what it was like if your spouse didn't make it. I cannot imagine what he/she went through before he/she left us and certainly cannot imagine what her spouse did to make life easier for him/her as he/she failed!!! If you don't live in the house that is dealing with cancer of any sort, you should really keep your nose out of it. If you want to be helpful, take a meal that he/she doesn't have to cook. Get the grocery list and do some of the shopping. If children are involved, take them to the park. Volunteer to do the laundry or clean the house. None of what I have mentioned costs large amounts of money and mostly time. Time that is so short for so many. 

Then there are the unscrupulous families and friends. I'll leave that to your imagination. I know that I don't have to worry about that with my own family, thank you God. So many wish they could say the same thing and that's just sad.

I have a page that shows the ones that I know of that have cancer of any kind. Please add these to your prayer lists and pray for the families of those whose journey is over. 

If you are a caregiver, the following website might be helpful. If for no other reason than to know that you are not alone. 

If you are making this journey as I am, may God bless you with His healing touch. I know he loves you.

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