Thursday, March 24, 2016

Possible Cure?

Scripture of the Day:

…Fear not Abram, I am thy shield and thy exceeding great reward.

These are scriptures that helped the most as I read them or they were given to me by family and friends. They are all in the King James Version unless otherwise indicated.
Genesis 15:1

This article sounds so encouraging. It's been 5 years since I was diagnosed and once that happens this never goes away. It is a devastating disease and if we can find the cure and spare my mother, daughter, granddaughter and all my family and friends it would be wonderful. Yes, I am a survivor and will continue to be. But I would not wish this on my worst enemy. If you could consider forming a team for the Race For the Cure or just donating, you donation goes a long way for the discoveries like the one in this article. The link for the article is:

Scientists 'close to breast cancer cure' after British researchers find a way to stop tumours growing 

Life-saving: British scientists have found a way to stop cancer tumours growing
Life-saving: British scientists have found a way to stop tumours growing
British scientists are close to a 'potential cure' for most breast cancer cases. They have developed a way to stop tumours growing and spreading, which could save millions of lives every year. Researchers say the new technique could be used to produce a drug to tackle the disease in as little as two years. Breast cancer kills 12,000 British women every year, more than a quarter of those diagnosed with it. 

Scientists have previously focused on how to prevent tumours from forming, but the new research has found key molecules called microRNAs which the cancer manipulates to spread around the body. 
Breast cancer cells 'switch off' these molecules, allowing the cancer to spread unchecked to other parts of the body. 
This spread is responsible for 90 per cent of deaths from breast cancer and the team which made the breakthrough is working on a drug to stop this fatal process. 

One of the scientists, Dr Justin Stebbing, senior lecturer and consultant medical oncologist at Imperial College, London, said: 'This is a potential cure for breast cancer. There are no drugs as yet but they should be available in a couple of years. 

'This is a step on the way to it. It helps us understand the way breast cancer cells grow and divide. If we understand this, we understand how to stop it.' 

The researchers from Imperial College and James Watson Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories in New York found the role of the female hormone oestrogen in the spread of cancer was key.

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If you are making this journey as I am, may God bless you with His healing touch. I know He loves you.

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