Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Hatred is a Cancer

Scripture of The Day:
Luke 4:40

Now when the sun was setting, all they had sick with divers diseases  brought them unto him, and he laid his hands on them and healed them.

 There is another kind of cancer running rampid around the world today. It is far worse than of the diseases that face some of us every day. This cancer like so many others is not racist and yet it is. It's not biased, and yet it is. And no one is immune any more than they are to the medical diseases. 

No one knows how to cure this cancer. Everyone has an opinion, but so far there is no cure, for hatred, bigotry, religious radicals and just plain self-absorption. The world has developed an "all about me" mentality. 

It breaks my heart every time something like this happens. What is really scary is that not more than 4 days ago I remember thinking that we haven't had a devastating incident in quite a while. I remember thinking, I wonder when something horrible will happen again. Not 24 hours later... Terror in OrlandoIsn't that sad to realize that those may be the thoughts of people. Isn't it sad that people have the expectation of tragedy and wonder when it will happen again...and worse, will it happen to me or my family or yours? 

This one definately touched me. There but by the Grace of God, it could've been my son. It could've been a bar in Miami just as easily as in Orlando. It could've been a bar in your town. It could've been your church, ball game, dance, parade, or any event. 

You may be surprised how much you are related to others in other parts of the world.   Your DNA. This video brought it home how close we all are. My husband took this DNA test as we have been researching his ancestry. He is only 4th generation Welsh in this country so we fully expected some Welsh in there. He is primarily Irish. Ok. Close on the map and because of that understandable. But this video will amaze you. Please click on the link and watch this video. I believe you will be amazed.

How do we find the cure? 

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