Sunday, January 31, 2016

Port vs IV

Scripture of the Day:

As Joshua and Caleb tried to convince the Israelites to go into the promised land and take what God had in store for them, they were afraid of the giants in the land. Joshua's reply was "do not rebel against the Lord, or fear the people of the land, for they are our bread." (Numbers 14:9). I never in my life have seen this verse like I saw it today. Just when they are about to walk into every blessing that God had in store, they allowed fear to get in the way. That very thing they feared was intended to be their bread and to sustain them. Don't turn what God has in store to supply your needs into your fears. Amazing what God showed me through this today. He loves me and He is so faithful even when I am not!

From Lara 7/3/12

As I went through my breast cancer surgeries and treatments, people would send me scriptures to help me through. Lara is my niece and she sent the scripture and explanation above.

This is a beautiful picture and I don't know who to give the credit to. If you recognize this picture, thank you for sharing on Facebook.

When I went through my chemotherapy almost 5 years ago, they used an IV on me. I can tell you that what was once a very easy thing to do was draw blood from me. Now it can only be taken from one arm and that was the chemo arm. It is now very hard to find a vein in my arm. I believe it is because of the chemo and the IV. 

There is another choice. They will surgically install a small port that will take all the fluids that are issued with the chemotherapy. It is a small plastic or metal disc about the size of a quarter that is just under your skin that has a thin tube attached that connects to on of your larger veins. They put a needle into the port and your chemo fluids enter your body that way. They can also draw blood through this port.

I don't know the pros and cons of a port. Please if you have had a port please share with us what that means and how it felt. I at this time believe that if I ever have to do this again, I would want the port. But I don't know any different to compare.

If you're making this journey as I am, may God walk with you and give you strength and comfort as He did me.

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