Friday, October 19, 2018

Types of Mastectomies

Scripture of the Day
Psalm 30:2
            O Lord my God, I cried unto Thee and Thou hast healed me

Types of Mastectomies

First of all, I'd like to identify what  lumpectomy is. In a lumpectomy, the doctor removes just the tumor and some of the tissue around it. The breast remains intact. The reason that I did not chose this route is because the possibility of recurrence is higher with a lumpectomy. I took the proactive aggressive route of having both of my breasts removed. I wanted to more sure of my results. 

This article that I am referring to lists 6 types of mastectomies. The first is a simple mastectomy which is removal of the breast including the nipple. This does not include lymph nodes and muscle tissues.

The second is a double mastectomy. Both breasts are removed due to a high risk of cancer spreading (metastasize).   It is also a choice. My risk was questionable. The doctors couldn't pin down my odds of recurrence. Keep in mind, I'm the first in my family. We had nothing to base and decision on. I chose the double even though my left breast was clean. 

The next is skin sparing mastectomy. The nipple, areola, and breast tissue are removed while the skin on top of the breast is left untouched. This type of mastectomy is done for those who intend to have immediate breast reconstructive surgery. I was given this choice and I know those who have chosen it, however, it was going to be hours on the operating table. I didn't want to put my family through that option. 

The fourth is nipple spearing mastectomy. The nipple and skin on top of the breast are left intact, while the breast tissue is removed. If cancer is found under the nipple and areola, the nipple must be removed. This is similar to the skin sparing mastectomy. I don't recall being given this option. But it was an emotional time. I may have let the option fly right over me. 

Next is the modified radical mastectomy. This is a variation of the total mastectomy that removes the entire breast including the lymph nodes under the arm. This is what happened to me. I guess you could say that the modified radical mastectomy only occurred on my right side. That was the side with the actual breast cancer and they removed the lymph nodes under that arm. 

The last in this article is the radical mastectomy. This removes the entire breast, lymph nodes and pectoral muscles under the breast. I have recently met someone that just went through that. I have no idea what it involves.  

This link will take you to the website that has this article.  Types of Mastectomies. Please go and look at the site as it had other information as well. Certainly, look at other sites as well. 

There is another term that I have heard that is not mentioned here. It's called a bilateral mastectomy. A bilateral prophylactic mastectomy is when the surgeon removes all of the breast tissue and leaves little or no breast tissue behind. This what was done to me as well. I was told that it is impossible to get each and every mammary gland, however. I do understand that. With this type of mastectomy, I definately do not get mammograms any longer. 

Please do your own research if you are preparing to go through this. It is important for you to make educated decisions and know understand what is happening to you.  

If you are making the journey as I am, may God bless you with His healing touch. I know He loves you.  

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