Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Cost and Effect of Chemo-Therapy

Scripture of the Day:
Deuteronomy 31:6

            Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them for the Lord your God goes with you, He will never leave you nor forsake you.

June 2, 2011
It’s been a week and 2 days since the treatment. The next Wednesday, I went back for some kind of shot. I have no idea what it is for. Thursday and Friday, I was pretty tired but no real pain. Saturday, at Stony Creek, I did walk up to the cabin. She said to stay active, so I did. Food had not been an issue. I’d just take the nausea medicine. Sunday morning I felt the same way that I did the morning I passed out and went back in the hospital. It scared David to death. All I did was get up and get dressed. He thought he was calling an ambulance. I took nausea medicine and Imodium AD and laid back down for a while before we could come back to Virginia Beach. The drive was kind of long. When we got back I went to bed and slept until 2 PM. Sunday was definitely a bad day. Monday I got up but sat around most of the day. We had part of our tree taken out and put our golf cart up for sale.  So, David was in and out all day. Tuesday was better, I went to work but the exhaustion is still there. We went to see Dr. Amy at 3. She just wanted to check in with me and see how I was doing. While we were there, I had her fill out insurance forms. They gave us an itemized bill!! It was over $31,000 and didn’t include Tuesday’s appointment and blood work!! Oh yes, and strands of hair are coming out.

Yesterday was a great day. No pain, no nausea, energetic and no constipation or diarrhea and I still have my hair. I even got in the pool. I’d walk around grateful for the good and smiling. People would want to know what I’m smiling about. When I think about the “great days” that I let go by unnoticed, ti breaks my heart. I hope I always appreciate the “great days”.

The day did go downhill in the evening. The pain and nausea came back. I had trouble going to sleep.

Oh and yes. When we heard the cost, we were really upset. We are so blessed that Tricare takes care of this. I was so scared for the my friend with skin cancer. I was pretty sure the wouldn’t be so blessed with cost. Then I read that he was cancer free and no chemo for him. 

I got up in the night and got on facebook. I wanted to write my status here:

The phrase says "Navy Wife, the toughest job in the Navy". Make no mistake, even though Uncle Sam never signed my paycheck, I was as much a part of "this man's Navy" as if I had enlisted. I would like to coin a new phrase, "Breast Cancer Husband, the toughest job in breast cancer". Uncle Sam still signes David's paycheck, but he is as much a breast cancer survivor as I am.

January 1, 2014
I remember when the effects of the chemo-therapy started taking hold. If you continue to read this, you will see that it would settle down into a routine. I can still remember the surprise at the cost of chemo-therapy. I was so fortunate with the insurance that we had. I really feel for those that don't have any insurance and now what will the Affordable Care Act do for those who need the care the most here in the United States!! Please consider donating to Breast Cancer sites or the American Cancer Society or St. Judes. Chemo is such a burden even without the worry of cost. 

If you are making this journey as I am, may God bless you with his healing touch. I know he loves you.

I also maintain another blog about the craft projects that I do to keep me sane. 
Gammie's Corner

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