Monday, December 9, 2013

Find someone that you can be open with.

Scripture of the Day:

Jeremiah 1:5

            I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born, I set you apart. Joel Osteen – “Trust in the plan God has for you”

April 27, 2011

I ended up talking to David about everything and it was wonderful.  He’s also “making deals”. He also thinks it’s my coping mechanism that I’m so cavalier. Our conversation made me feel so much better.

I worked on the quilt. It’s going to be ok and I decided to share it with Mom. In talking to her, I found out that Patti P had breast cancer. Almost in tears, Mom said she was glad I went for the double mastectomy. Patti went for the lumpectomy and radiation. It came back. It’s in her lungs. I am so sorry.

Johnnie called. Lucky has melanoma in his toe…cancer. It’s being amputated next Tuesday. He’s taking my cue, he says “just cut the cancer out and be done”. He is laughing about it. He says now he’ll only be able to count to 19.  What a great attitude. It broke my heart to get this news. Cancer in any form is not something I’d wish on any one. 

December 9, 2013
One thing that came out of all of this is that I am closer to my husband that I had ever been. I slow to talk to him about anything. Now, if something is on my mind, I just say it. I hope you have someone that you can confide in like that. If you haven't, I'm thinking that you know someone that you can trust, you just don't trust yourself. You want to make it easy for those around you. I know it's hard on David, but I don't think he'd have it any other way. 

It's also really hard to find out that very dear friends come down with some sort of cancer. I'm so thankful that I was such a positive role model for my friend, Lucky. 

If you are making this hourney as I am, may God bless you with his healing touch. I know he loves you.

Special Needs: Adoption Journey of an Older Couplethis book is by my brother-in-law. It is getting great reviews. He and my sister have adopted 3 special needs children after their own had grown. I am reading it and I am surprised. She never told us the kinds of hoops they had to jump through to be able to bring these children home. If you are considering or know someone considering adoption, please consider a special needs child. They need forever homes, too. Read the book. I think it would help young and old who want to adopt. 

I also maintain a second blog. It is called Gammie's Corner. Here I try different projects and then tell you how well I did or didn't do. These are my activities to help keep me sane and occupied. I'm really enjoying it:

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