Monday, November 11, 2013

How My Surgery Went

Scripture of the Day:
Luke 4:40
Now when the sun was setting, all they had sick with divers diseases  brought them unto him, and he laid his hands on them and healed them.

April 3, 2011
The nicest place to be is in someone’s thoughts!
The safest place to be is in someone’s prayers!
And the best place to be is in God’s Hands!
Joyce Cook Fox posted this on Facebook for me today. What a wonderful thought. And Butch just called me. He’s been praying all week he said and told me were still related and that he still loves me (as a sister-in-law). I came home from the hospital on Tuesday. But Wednesday was not a great day. I couldn’t get up and down off the couch or in and out of bed by myself. I don’t really remember too much of it. And Tuesday and Wednesday night, I couldn’t get out of bed and go to the bathroom without help. Then Thursday morning, David was helping me go to the bathroom and draining the tubes I had to wear for a few days, when I passed out. After that the drainage tube on one side doubled and that scared David. He helped me back to bed and gave me toast and apples to eat and helped me get dressed and we went back to the hospital. They admitted me with pneumonia and incredible nausea. Evan and Emily came to see me that night. They both got to see things that maybe they didn’t want to. But neither left the room when people started working on me. It became a joke, the number of different people that came to look at me…I think we hit 23 different people: nurses, interns, students, doctors, lab techs, food servers (hey, we didn’t count them). That adds 6 to that number. (grin). On Friday morning, it was a completely different picture. David couldn’t believe the difference when he got there. I couldn’t get into the bed without him helping to arrange myself in the middle or getting myself farther up the bed. By the time he got there Friday, I was doing it on my own without anyone’s help. Just before we got to come home Friday, Dr. Wilson came and told me that there was no cancer in the lymph nodes and none in the left breast and they got it all in the right breast. I just bawled. I came home to flowers from Mark and Susan, Gwyndra, Myke, the special education department and Mom. Of course, I already had some from Precious and David.
Emily flew home yesterday and I went to the airport to see her off. Today, I went to see Lilly, my puppy. She’s gotten so big. So I can say that I’ve been getting out of the house. I hate PT. I’m doing it though. But I get so tired. I don’t know if I’ve forgotten anything that I’d have wanted to make sure to write down or not. I have so many well wished on facebook.
Oh yes. I’ve had strange dreams. Most I can’t remember, but one I do. I have Emily’s toys all through my house and I can’t figure out why. She’s grown. But she won’t let me give them to Jess’s mom for her store. Then the next thing I know, there are 3 pools in my back yard. One is for swimming, another is full of beautiful flowers and the last has mud pouring into it from our house. And our house was not Jacqueline Ave or Stony Creek. It was really strange.
I wasn’t allowed to shower or bath until last night (April 2). David showered with me to help me wash my hair. What a wonderful feeling…clean with clean hair.
I’ve spent more time today writing on the computer. My right arm hurts.
My friend Megan at school told me that they just diagnosed her sister with breast cancer. What an awful feeling. I’ll never forget how that felt or what I was doing when I found out.
They kept wanting to take my blood in the hospital. They were checking my blood sugar. I even got some insulin, even though I’m not diabetic. Any way, it got so they couldn’t get a vein. It was so annoying and painful.
I’m off all the narcotics. Ibuprofen and Tylenol are pain killers of choice. One is metabolized by the kidney and one by the liver.  Anyway, pain is worse tonight. I wonder if I over did the PT.
November 11, 2013
It was a very scary time after the surgery. I couldn't even get centered in the bed by myself. Someone had to practically pick me up and place me there. I remember I had these things on my legs that kept filling and then leaking air. They were awful, but they kept the blood circulating in my legs.  If you  are about to go through this, you should be able to move around normal after the anesthesia wears off. If you can't, you may want to go back and have them take a look. Over night they had me on such a strong antibiotic that by the next morning I was myself again. What a relief.
If you are making this journey as I am, may God bless you with his healing touch. I know he loves you.

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