Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Recognize the Stages of Grief.

Scripture of the Day:
Psalm 103: 1-5 (NLT)
Let all that I am praise the Lord; with all my whole heart I will praise His name. Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things that He does for me. He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. He redeems me from death and crowns me with love and tender mercies. He fills my life with good things. He renews my youth like the eagle’s.

April 5, 2011
David and I took Shiloh (our Cocker Spaniel) to the vet, I would’ve not have been able to do that alone. I can’t possibly drive. I think the grief stages are stepping up.  Denial, anger, acceptance, bargaining, and depression are the stages. Well, anger and depression since yesterday. I watched people shopping for plants, pushing carts, picking up flowers. I had to depend on David to do all of that. I even had to ask for a stool to sit while David checked out. The same this morning. I could hear people talking in the back (of what?) and doing what comes naturally and I can’t!! I can’t stand for long periods. I’m taking pain killers 4 times a day. Put that with this running nose, occasional cough, and sneezing that hurts along with it and it’s so depressing and makes me so angry.
When the mail came, I had another card this time from SPED North and a $50 Boston Market Gift Card. I just bawled again. I’ve often felt that I didn’t belong at PA. I felt like UI was on the outside looking in. But with the way they’ve stepped up, I’ve been wrong.
The grandkids were here. They are exhausting. It’s frustrating when Jacob wanted me to pick him up. I couldn’t make him understand why I couldn’t. But some laughter took place that hasn’t for a while.
November 13, 2013
This not going to be an easy time, right after your surgery. You'll feel everything that I described back in 2011. What I haven't mentioned yet is that I am also a Navy wife. The stages of grief: denial, anger, acceptance, bargaining and depression, are all natural feelings. Navy wives or spouses go through the same thing when their husbands or wives leave for a 6 month deployment. I was trained to help those left behind to get through it. It helped me to remember these things and you as a new survivor also need to recognize the stages. Look to those that have stepped up to help you through this and be grateful for them. And the scripture is right. God can and will heal you.
If you are making this journey as I am, may God bless you with his healing touch. I know he loves you.

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